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Wahoo, LFL has a new Website!!

Wahoo, LFL has a new Website!!

Hello my lovelies!

This day has been such a long time coming! I've been working for quite literally months behind the scenes to get this little beauty up and running, and am so excited to share it with you all.

Please do bear with us during the first little bit while we work out any little kinks that may not have been foreseeable until we hit the live button.

As always, we are here to help, so if you have any concerns or queries please don't hesitate to get in touch via email.

We will be back soon with some other wonderful new updates!

Comments (3 comments)

Karen Reeves

Welcome back, glad to see the prices in US dollars. Can’t wait to take a peek at the new site.


Love the new format – easy to use and love that I can get my prices in US dollars this is wonderful for me! Getting ready to get an order in soon. Beautiful job!

Cheryl Southey

LOVE the new website Lizi! Excellent work!

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